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Über Uns

About me

My name is Adrienne but most people call me Adi. I was born and raised near Manchester and studied politics at Leeds University. After that I worked in the accountancy profession in England before moving to Zurich. I loved my accountancy colleagues but I didn't really love the work so after the move to Zurich I decided to find a job where I could spend time working with people.


I come from a family of teachers so I decided to follow the family tradition. I re-trained to be an English teacher, first getting a CELTA certificate then adding to it with a Master's in Applied Linguistics from the University of Birmingham. Doing the Master's was such a lot of hard work but incredibly rewarding. The master's included content on second language acquisition, teaching grammar, how to learn vocabulary and so much more and has proved to be really useful in my teaching career.


I have been teaching English for more than 10 years and have extensive experience with popular conversation classes across a range of levels (from B1 to C2), teaching grammar  –which I love – and preparation for the Cambridge First, Advanced and Proficiency exams.


If you want to find out more about me and the way I teach, simply ask for a trial lesson. I'm looking forward to meeting you!


Unsere Philosophie

Wir sind eine unabhängige Sprachschule, die qualitativ hochwertigen Unterricht bietet. Da unsere Klassengrößen klein sind, können wir effektiv auf die Bedürfnisse jedes einzelnen Schülers reagieren. Wir haben eine treue Kundenbasis und sind stolz auf die unterstützende Lernumgebung, die wir fördern.


Alle unsere Lehrer sprechen muttersprachlich Englisch und sind in ihren Fächern gut qualifiziert.

What do your customers say ?

"Die Lektionen sind kurzweilig und amüsant"


"This is why I love the lessons. Every time I come to class I learn something new."


"Highly recommended"


"She didn't use to like English lessons but now she does"

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My students

The people who study with me are motivated learners at B1 level or above. They want to learn English for a variety of reasons. Some use English in their jobs, others travel widely and use English to chat to fellow travellers and some are interested in English culture. They all want to keep their brains active, make real progress and enjoy the experience of learning.


A few of the students I teach unfortunately had bad experiences learning English in the past. Teachers told them that they weren't good at languages and never would be. I like to help them change their beliefs about their skills as a language learner. It's true that it takes a lot of hard work to become fluent but that work can also be hugely enjoyable and rewarding and is much easier with a teacher encouraging you.

What are the benefits of a local language school?

Small language schools can offer varied lessons tailored to each individual student. If you choose Kreis 6 English, this is what you can expect.


  • No surprises – you'll know who your teacher is before you start the course

  • If you join one of my group classes, you'll have the opportunity to meet other interesting learners

  • You'll get notes after each lesson to help you remember what you have learned

  • You won't be forced to use a course book that you don't like

  • You'll get to talk about topics that are relevant to you


Still haven't found what you're looking for?

All the information you need is on the website but if you need a bit of help finding your way around, check out the link below.

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